Cox's Bazar

Cox’s Bazar is a town on the southeast coast of Bangladesh. It’s known for its very long, sandy beachfront, stretching from Sea Beach in the north to Kolatoli Beach in the south. Aggameda Khyang monastery is home to bronze statues and centuries-old Buddhist manuscripts. South of town, the tropical rainforest of Himchari National Park has waterfalls and many birds. North, sea turtles breed on nearby Sonadia Island.

Major Tourists Places

Sea Beach
Sea Beach

Cox’s Bazar is considered as having the longest sea beach in the world, with a total of 121 kilometer long. The name Cox’s Bazar was derived from its founder, Captain Cox. He founded the very attractive beach in 1798. Then the Cox’s Bazar beach started only as a small port and health resort.

Himchori Waterfall and hill track
Himchori Waterfall and hill track

Himchhari is a beautiful picnic spot surrounded by palm trees and bamboos. Himchhari is transformed into a colorful and fascinating panorama when the winter sun rises above hilltops and sets in the blue sea. It is only eight miles away from Cox’s Bazar town. A trip by jeep to Himchhari along the sea-beach at dawn is a rewarding experience. These charms attract the holiday makers to visit this picnic spot in large number.

Sonadia Island

Sonadia Island is a sanctuary for migratory birds such as petrels, snipe, shanks, lapwings, geese and ducks and other waterfowl. According to legend, a ship laden with gold sunk here centuries ago during an attack by Portuguese pirates and an island formed around the shipwreck. It is only seven kilometer from Cox’s Bazar and about nine square kilometer in area.

Sonadia Island
Laboni Beach

Laboni Beach is the major sea beach of Cox’s Bazar. At here visitors can easily enjoy the attractive beauty of Bay of Bengal. It’s a place for pleasure. Many people come here including the foreigners every day. The beach is well cherished during sunsets and sunrise. People can be witness the sea as it amends its colors twice in a day. Visitors can sunbathe, surf, jog, cycle and swim as well. It is best for swimming and recreation place.

Laboni Beach
Adinath Temple
Adinath Temple

Adinath Temple is located on the summit of the Mainak Hill on Maheshkhali Island off the coast of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, is dedicated to the Hindu God, Shiva, who is worshiped as Adinath.

Kolatoli Beach

Kolatoli Beach is one of the most attractive beach for the tourist in Cox’s Bazar. Every year people of different ages come here to have the feelings of taking sea-bath. Visitors can bath in the sea, driving sea ski boat; can have various kind of sea foods. Walking beside the sea shore on moonlit night is always pleasant for tourist of any age.

Kolatoli Beach
Radiant Fish World

The first ever fish world which is called the Radiant fish world an aquarium, a restaurant and a game zone with all kinds of facilities for the kids have been inaugurated by the local member of the parliament Saimum Sarwar Komol, along with MP Asheq Ullah Rafiq.

Radiant Fish World
Ramu Buddhist Temple
‌Ramu Buddhist Temple

Ramu Temple is located at Ramu Upazila, in a typical Buddhist village located 16 kilometers away from Cox’s Bazar. It is accessible from the main highway leading to Chittagong. The village accommodates monasteries, khyangs and pagodas. It has images of Buddha in gold, bronze and other metals inlaid with precious stones inside the pagodas.

Other Attractions

Dulhazra Safari Park1
‌Dulhazra Safari Park

Dulahazara Safari Park is home to at least 4,000 animals of 165 species. After the new government took over in January 2007, joint forces rescued many of these new residents of the park during their drives at houses and establishments owned by graft suspects. Many individuals also donated some of the animals to the park during this period. The seized and donated animals recently sent to the park include 90 spotted deer, 42 barking deer, three sambar deer, one freshwater crocodile, onesaltwater crocodile, nine black bears, four pythons, 17 peacocks, 19 Turkish pheasants and two emus.

Dulhazra Safari Park2

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